Gender in medical research – project applications 2004

A follow-up study of the Swedish Research Council´s awards in 2004

Medical gender research takes social and cultural relationships into consideration in conjunction with biological events. The commissioning of funding for gender research has previously been carried out in part by the Swedish Research Council’s Committee for Gender Research. For applications from Spring 2004 the task of awarding research funds was handed over to the group responsible for commissioning medical research.

In order to expedite a follow-up report, applicants applying for funding in Spring 2004 were asked to tick a box on the application form if the proposed project involved a gender angle. Applications marked in this way were subsequently set aside, classified and examined. The following report examines how applicants interpreted the term “gender” and made use of it in their application. The report also considers how the awarding body responded, noting the extent to which funding was awarded to research projects with a gender angle.


  1. The Swedish Research Council’s recommendations for the EU’s framework programme FP10
  2. A gender-equal process: A qualitative investigation of the assessment of research grant applications 2023
  3. Is the assessment of applications gender-equal?

    The Swedish Research Council has conducted gender equality observations at the meetings where research grant applications are assessed. We use the observations to follow up our own work and safeguard a gender-equal review process.