Biobanks – Integration of human information to improve health

Biobanks containing human tissue material constitute an indispensable resource for successful biomedical research. Sweden’s extensive and often well-documented sample collections give us the possibility to study numerous urgent medical questions and make us a significant player in international research collaborations.

At the same time there is a need for increased adaptation of Swedish biobanks in order to ensure that the existing material really benefits research, and so that Sweden can assert itself in the ambitious biobank efforts which are now being made in Europe and globally.

This report discusses both the advantages conferred by Swedish biobanks and some of the challenges met today by Swedish research on human tissue material. The report and the attached referral replies are an important basis for the Research Council’s continued work with supporting Swedish biobanks.



    EU-OPENSCREEN ERIC enables chemical biology and early drug development by providing screening and chemistry facilities, as well as compound libraries through partners in the member states.

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