International evaluation of Onsala Space Observatory

Onsala Space Observatory (OSO) is a Swedish national facility for radio astronomy. The evaluation of this facility’s activities conducted in 2009 shows that Onsala is handling its large number of assignments and projects well and that the quality of the research conducted at the observatory is high and holds up well in comparison to similar institutions in the rest of the world.

Onsala is a part of Chalmers’ Department of Radio and Space Science and the evaluation panel noted that this combination of a university and a national research centre has created a very effective environment for training engineers, astronomers and geophysicists. Researchers that will be an invaluable resource in the future. The evaluators also think that OSO’s programme to involve the surrounding community is exemplary. The evaluation is for the years 2006–2009, with a look into the future, and has served as the basis for a decision by the Council for Research Infrastructure at the Swedish Research Council on a new budget for the Onsala Space Observatory for the 2010–2013 period.



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