Mid-term evaluation report of the 2006 Linnaeus environments and doctoral programmes

The Linnaeus Grant is an initiative of the Swedish Research Council and the Swedish Research Council for Environment, Agricultural Sciences and Spatial Planning (Formas) to support strong research centres at Swedish universities. This report presents the result of the midterm evaluation of the 20 Linnaeus Environments and eight Doctoral Programmes approved in 2006. The international evaluation panels give in the report a number of recommendations for further development and financial support.


  1. The Swedish Research Council’s recommendations for the EU’s framework programme FP10
  2. A gender-equal process: A qualitative investigation of the assessment of research grant applications 2023
  3. Is the assessment of applications gender-equal?

    The Swedish Research Council has conducted gender equality observations at the meetings where research grant applications are assessed. We use the observations to follow up our own work and safeguard a gender-equal review process.