The Swedish Research Council’s guide to research infrastructures 2014

The Swedish Research Council’s guide to research infrastructures is a guide for Sweden’s needs of national and international research infrastructures. It forms the basis for discussions on the financing of future infrastructure within the Swedish Research Council, but also in collaboration with other research funding nationally and internationally.

During 2014, the Swedish Research Council conducted a review of the processes of prioritization and funding of national research infrastructure. As a consequence, this fourth edition is limited with regard to proposals for new infrastructure. Instead, its main emphasis is on concentration and coordination of existing infrastructures and the clarification of roles and principles for future management of infrastructure.

To publication: Appendix to the Swedish Research Council´s guide to infrastructures 2016.


  1. Needs inventory of research infrastructure of national interest 2023/2024

    The Council for Research Infrastructures, RFI, has decided how the 70 proposals submitted in last year’s needs inventory shall be categorised. 19 of the areas have been placed in Category A1, which means that they are highly prioritised and may be in...

  2. Large-scale computational resources

    Are you doing research in computational science? Then you can apply for access to Swedish and European computational resources at NAISS and EuroHPC. Here you can read more about how to do this.

  3. ArchLab

    ArchLab is a distributed research infrastructure that coordinates a number of laboratories that use natural science methods to tackle archaeological questions. The infrastructure is under construction and is coordinated from Umeå University.