The future of Swedish research! Humanities and social sciences

Overview 2014 – Humanities and social sciences

The Swedish Research Council developed a series of overviews and analyses in 2014 which serve as the foundation for the Board’s summary conclusions and recommendations on research policy choices to promote Swedish research in the coming 5 to 10 years. This project is designated "The future of research” and will be summarised in a final report in the summer of 2015. As a whole, the material serves as the foundation in the documentation the Swedish Research Council is compiling for the government’s upcoming research bill in 2016.

The full report was published (in Swedish) in 2015.

Overviews have been put together for the following seven research domains:

  • humanities and social sciences
  • natural sciences and engineering sciences
  • medicine and health
  • educational sciences
  • artistic research
  • development research
  • research infrastructure


  1. The Swedish Research Council’s recommendations for the EU’s framework programme FP10
  2. The Swedish Research Barometer 2023
  3. Inauguration of the of the Centre for the Human Past

    On 26 of April, there will be an inauguration of one of the new centres of excellence with funding from the Swedish Research Council: Excellence Center for the Human Past (CHP). The central theme of the center is to connect the efforts of archaeology...