The following provides advance information to facilitate planning ahead of making an application. The full call text will be published when the call opens.

Upcoming call

21 August - 17 September 2024

Research environment grant for register-based research

The purpose of the grant is to support interdisciplinary and intersectorial research environments in register-based research that can take on complex questions for the purpose of addressing societal challenges through generating new knowledge.

Subject area: Humanities and Social Sciences, Medicine and Health, Educational Sciences

Support form: Research environment and collaboration support

Grant form: Research environment grant

Focus: Register-based research

Applicant: Individual researcher

Participating researchers: Minimum 2 and maximum 6 other researchers shall be invited to join the application.

Grant period: 4 years

Grant amount: Minimum 400 000 SEK per year, maximum 3 500 000 SEK per year

Start of grant period: January 2025

Application period: 21 August 2024 (14.00/2 p.m.) – 17 September 2024 (14.00/2 pm)

Publication of grant award: No later than the end of December 2024


This initiative shall enable research teams to develop interdisciplinary and intersectoral research environments, where ground-breaking knowledge and methods within register-based research may be expected. The research shall be based wholly or partly on micro-data from public agency or quality registers for example (data collected primarily for purposes other than research) that can be linked to data from other sources, such as research-generated data, biobank data or survey data. The research environments shall also efficiently use and contribute to the development of register-based infrastructure.

In this context, interdisciplinary and intersectoral research refers to researchers with genuinely differing scientific backgrounds working together to investigate and solve joint research problems, and not just borrowing methods and perspectives from one discipline to another. The activities described in the application shall therefore contribute to all discplines involved and the researcher cluster (the applicant and participating researchers) must together represent at least two different disciplines.

The Swedish Research Council will support research environments that can be expected to

  • contribute to methodology development in register-based research, and to improved and increased use of register-based data in interdisciplinary research
  • contribute to inspire and school junior researchers to use register-based data in their research
  • work for long-term competence accumulation, by recruiting both leading researchers and doctoral students from Sweden and abroad, and by collaborating actively with foreign research institutions.

The research environments should include new clusters, with participants from several higher education institutions, as well as international collaboration, participation by junior researchers, and gender-equal composition among the participating researchers.

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