Financial reporting of grants to research infrastructure

The financial report shall be signed by an authorised representative of the administrating organisation. Different rules apply for grants decided on before or after 2015.

Grants decided on in 2015 or later

If you have a grant decided on in 2015 or later, you must submit an annual financial report via a form. An authorised representative of the administrating organisation shall sign the form. The specific terms and conditions show the deadline for submission of the form.

Please use the form below for the yearly reporting. A final financial report for the grant shall also be submitted (using the same form).

Form for financial reporting (in Swedish only) Excel, 101 kB.

The report should be sent in by e-mail to

If the grant was decided on in 2019 or later, an excerpt from the administrating organisation’s business system (UBW, Navision, Raindance) shall be attached to the report. We recommend that project managers/supervisors prepare the verification list in consultation with economists at the participating organisations. Please note that the list must be produced before the Excel template for the reporting is filled in, as the results from the list is to be entered into the form.

Instructions on how to produce the verification list (in Swedish only) Pdf, 92.9 kB.

Grant for accessibility to infrastructure

Submit a financial report via Prisma once a year.
An authorised representative of your administrating organisation (usually an accountant) shall complete the information and register the financial report. The report is then sent to the project leader responsible for checking before being sent to the Swedish Research Council. We assume that the person submitting the financial report is authorised to represent the administrating organisation for these purposes.

The representative of the administrating organisation and the project leader will receive an email via Prisma when the reporting period starts. Please note that the person representing the administrating organisation needs to be linked to the grant in Prisma – if not, please contact the administrating organisation’s account manager.

The deadline for annual reporting is shown in the document “Approval of terms and conditions”. 31 March is the date applicable for most grants.

Note: If there are any unused funds at the final reporting occasion in conjunction with the end of the availability period, these shall be repaid to the Swedish Research Council if the amount exceeds one half of a price base amount. Payment shall be made to bank giro No 5052-2663. Please state the registration number for the grant, and that the payment relates to unused funds.

If the unused funds are less than one half of a price base amount, the funds may be retained on condition that they can be used for research purposes similar to that of the grant – otherwise the funds must be repaid as per above.

Instructions in Prisma for researchers External link.

Instructions in Prisma for accountants External link.

Scientific equipment and contracted services

If the grant also covers scientific equipment, the equipment procured shall be reported separately and attached to the report. The specific terms and conditions show the deadline for submission of the report. Please use the form below.

Form for reporting procurement and final financial reporting of scientific equipment Excel, 15.1 kB.

Grants decided on before 2015

If you have a grant decided on before 2015, you must submit a final financial report via ordinary post. An authorised representative of the administrating organisation shall sign the form. The document “Approval of terms and conditions” shows the deadline for submission of the report.

Form for financial reporting Excel, 17 kB.

Grants for expensive scientific equipment

Report the equipment procured, and submit a final financial report for the grant. Please use the form below on both occasions. Please send them by e-mail to

Form for reporting procurement and final financial reporting of scientific equipment Excel, 15.1 kB.

Grants for operation, database and planning

You must submit a final financial report. Please use the form below, and send it to us by email to

Form for financial reporting Excel, 17 kB.



Pdf / Printout


For questions regarding financial reporting


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