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A pint of science poetry at the pub? Exploring new ways of communicating research

We have invited two inspiring researchers who are exploring new ways of engaging audiences. They will share their unique insights, experiences and solutions. Welcome to an inspiring conversation about research communication!


19 March 2021



The need for research is increasing at the same time as facts and science are being questioned in our societies. This creates a need for new contexts and methods for communicating science. We have invited two inspiring researchers who are doing just that, exploring new ways of engaging audiences. They will share their unique insights, experiences and solutions.

Carine Signoret is Sweden Director for the science festival Pint of Science and Sam Illingworth is a science poet, game creator and senior lecturer in research communication. The pandemic has created unique opportunities for developing research communication, something both will explain and address in this talk.

Welcome! No need to sign up, just connect via Zoom.

The conversation is held in English, moderated by Anders Bjers from the Swedish Research Council.

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