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Interview training for the ERC Starting Grant

The Swedish Research Council is organising a workshop series for European Research Council (ERC) Starting Grant step 2 candidates to obtain advice and inspiration for the interview with the ERC panel. Target group is Reseachers that have applied with Swedish Host Institute. Administrative staff at Swedish universities who work with research support for ERC applicants are also welcome to participate.


3 May 2024


25 April, kl. 13.00–16.00
26 April, kl. 9.00–11.30
3 May, kl. 13.00–15.30


Digital meeting via Zoom. The link will be sent shortly before the workshop. Only part of the presentation on 25 April will be recorded.


Registration is open until the day before each interview training workshop.

The workshops will be held in English.

This ERC interview training workshops are aimed at researchers applying with Swedish host institutions who have applied for an ERC Starting Grant and have progressed to step 2 of the evaluation processes.
The workshop series aim to prepare candidates for the interview with the ERC panel. The candidates will have the opportunity to meet and obtain information from previous ERC Starting Grant recipients and evaluators and to practice their presentation technique with a professional coach.

25 April, kl. 13.00–16.00 – Communication training

Hands on training on how to present effectively via video chat and how to answer tough interview questions. Presenter is Anders Sahlman, communication coach and trainer.

26 April, kl. 9.00–11.30 – ERC StG experiences

Opportunity to meet researchers with experiences from ERC interviews, as well as researchers with experiences from ERC review panel evaluations.

  • Maliheh Mehrshad, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, StG Grantee 2023 (Life Sciences)
  • Alexander Giovannitti, Chalmers University of Technology, StG Grantee 2023 (Physical Sciences and Engineering)
  • Christian Glaser, Uppsala University, StG Grantee 2023 (Physical Sciences and Engineering)
  • Göran Arnqvist, Uppsala University, StG Panel 2023 (Life Sciences)
  • Frank Niklaus, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, StG Panel 2023 (Physical Sciences and Engineering)

3 May, kl. 13.00–15.30 – ERC StG experiences

Opportunity to meet researchers with experiences from ERC interviews, as well as researchers with experiences from ERC review panel evaluations.

  • Aksel Sundstrom, University of Gothenburg, StG Grantee 2023 (Social Sciences and Humanities)
  • Juan Pablo Lopez, Karolinska Institutet, StG Grantee 2023 (Life Sciences)
  • Nicolò Maccaferri, Umeå Universitet, StG Grantee 2023 (Physical Sciences and Engineering)
  • Joakim Westerlund, Lund University, StG Panel 2023 (Social Sciences and Humanities)

You can attend all three workshops if you want. There will also be an offer to sign up for individual training with the professional coach after this workshop series.

Only part of the presentation on 25 April will be recorded.

Please note: If you are a researcher that are interested to apply for an ERC Starting Grant in WP2025, you are welcome to our ERC Starting och Consolidator Grant webinar 22 April



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