



These may apply for grants for research infrastructure 2019

A decision has now been made on the new areas and the existing research infrastructures that are covered by the call for grants to research infrastructure 2019. 14 new areas and 14 existing research infrastructures are covered, and may therefore apply for grants in the call, which opens on 16 January 2019.

We presented more information about the call on the Research infrastructure day on 16 October. See a recording of the day (in Swedish)

All areas graded as A1 in the needs inventory 2017, and all existing research infrastructures where the grant period ends in 2019 or 2020 are covered by the call. This has been decided by the Council for Research Infrastructures.

In total, 28 areas and existing research infrastructures may apply for grants in the call, which opens 16 January 2019. The Result of the needs inventory, an appendix to the Swedish Research Council’s Guide to Infrastructure, has a detailed description of each new subject area and existing research infrastructure.

Furthermore, additional grants may also be applied for to fund increased Swedish engagement in international infrastructures where Sweden is already a member, for example in the form of in-kind grants.


New areas

  • Infrastructure for experimental research into large animals
  • Infrastructure for brain imaging
  • Infrastructure for chemical biology
  • Infrastructure for metabolomics
  • Infrastructure for visualisation of data
  • Context databases for social sciences
  • MEDem Monitor for Electoral Democracy in Europe: inclusion in ESFRI’s roadmap
  • National coordination of Swedish research ships
  • Swedish participation in Euro-Bioimaging-ERIC
  • Swedish participation in European Marine Biological Resource Centre (EMBRC-ERIC)
  • Swedish participation in European Plate Observing System (EPOS-ERIC)
  • Swedish participation in the planning, construction and operation of Aerosols, Clouds and Trace Gases Research Infrastructure (ACTRIS)
  • Swedish participation in Square Kilometre Array (SKA)
  • Upgrade of IceCube

Existing research infrastructure

  • Biobank Sverige (BIS)
  • BioMS – a national infrastructure for biological mass spectrometry
  • European Extremely Large Telescope (E-ELT)*
  • ICOS Sweden and ICOS-ERIC
  • Infrastructure for integration and accessibility of data within biodiversity informatics
  • Institute for Solar Physics (ISF)**
  • Accelerator-based Ion Technology Consortium
  • Myfab
  • National Genomics Infrastructure (NGI)
  • National infrastructure for microscopy within life sciences (NMI)
  • National Bioinformatics Infrastructure Sweden (NBIS and Elixir)
  • Nordsim and Vega
  • Swedish participation in European Advanced Translational Research Infrastructure in Medicine (EATRIS-ERIC)

* Supplement to application awarded in 2017 for grants to the instruments MOSAIC and HiRes
** Also includes participation in European Solar Telescope (EST)



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Calls within research infrastructure


  1. Needs inventory of research infrastructure of national interest 2023/2024

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