



Give us your views on new research infrastructure for large-scale computing resources

In its work on how a research infrastructure for large-scale computing resources can be organised, the Swedish Research Council is now inviting views from users. How should the research infrastructure be structured, and what requirements should we set for it?

In June this year, the Swedish Research Council decided to call off the process for renewed funding of the Swedish Infrastructure for Computing, SNIC. We are now working out how a new infrastructure for large-scale computing resources should be organised.

On 11 October, we had a hearing where we informed about the ongoing work and gathered views from the research community on the design and the requirements for an infrastructure for large-scale computing resources.

If you were unable to take part in the hearing, you now have the opportunity to give us your views via email: How should we design such a research infrastructure, and what requirements should we set for it?

Please send your views to no later than 5 November 2021.

What happens next?

The Council for Research Infrastructures, RFI, will address the issue this autumn.

News from 21 June: Need for a new national research infrastructure for large-scale computer resources




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