



Swedish Research Council nominates female researchers to international database

The database AcademiaNet has been operating since 2010, and makes prominent female researchers more visible. The purpose is to increase the proportion of women in leading positions within the world of research. The Swedish Research Council contributes to the database financially, and by nominating researchers – this year, we are contributing 274 new names.

Today, AcademiaNet lists more than 3 200 women researchers in many different scientific fields. Together, they represent both European countries, and countries outside Europe. European research funding bodies and institutions are responsible for the nominations. The Swiss National Science Foundation administrates the database, and the Swedish Research Council contributes both financially and by nominating researchers. The database includes 245 researchers that the Swedish Research Council has already nominated. This year is the third time we are contributing names.

The 274 researchers now nominated by the Swedish Research Council will shortly, if they agree, be visible in the database with their names, a brief profile text, and contact details. Among the women nominated are secretaries general, members of our board and our scientific councils and committees, and also chairs of the Swedish Research Council’s review panels. The majority are researchers in Sweden who have received funding from the Swedish Research Council and received excellent scores on their applications.

“AcademiaNet is a good tool for making female researchers more visible. It is particularly useful when we are trying to find suitable persons for our review panels and other expert assignments,” says Carolina Herzman Johansson, Senior Research Officer at the Swedish Research Council and responsible for our nominations.

The Swedish Research Council has also nominated members of the Young Academy of Sweden, the Royal Swedish Academy of Letters, History and Antiquities, and the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences.

Database AcademiaNet External link.

Read an article in Curie about AcademiaNet (in Swedish) External link.




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