



New Swedish projects at ESS

The Swedish Research Council is funding in-kind deliveries from Swedish universities to ESS. Four new projects have now been awarded funding to contribute technical equipment or personnel to the research facility. Lund University is the main supplier.

The Swedish Research Council has been mandated by the Government to work towards ensuring researchers based in Sweden participate to a greater degree in the construction and development of the European Spallation Source (ESS) research facility. Previously, we awarded funding for pilot studies of two Swedish instruments, SAGA and HIBEAM. During the period 2021–2025, part of the Swedish contribution to ESS will be used for in-kind deliveries, that is, technical equipment or personnel from Swedish universities to ESS, to a value of 150 million SEK in total.

The FREIA laboratory in Uppsala was awarded funding in 2021. Four new projects have now been awarded funding. Contracts for these were signed at a ceremony at ESS on 19 January 2023. Lund University is the main supplier, and the projects also include researchers from Uppsala University, KTH Royal Institute of Technology and Lund Institute of Advanced Neutron and X-ray Science (LINXS).

Giovanna Fragneto, Science Director at ESS, emphasises that ESS is very pleased to have entered into these contracts.

“Lund University is a very important collaboration partner for ESS. By combining our various areas of expertise, we will create excellent experimental opportunities at ESS. These projects are also a great opportunity to strengthen local and regional neutron science, and create mutual advantages for Lund University and ESS. We are looking forward to productive collaborations,” says Giovanna Fragneto.

Viktor Öwall, Deputy Vice Chancellor at Lund University, agrees.

“We are very pleased to see these in-kind contracts in place, and look forwards towards deepening our collaboration with ESS by engaging more in the technical development of the scientific instruments. This engagement forms a natural bridge between science that uses neutrons, the development of instrumentation and laboratory services, and will also create an environment where students can share in the exciting developments at ESS,” says Viktor Öwall.

Read more about the projects here





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