



Swedish HEIs get funding from the European Commission for receiving researchers from Ukraine

The European Commission, via the MSCA4Ukraine initiative, has decided to award support to 124 doctoral students and researchers from Ukraine to continue their research in another country. Six of the researchers will be hosted by Swedish higher education institutions (HEIs).

Last autumn, HEIs and organisations throughout Europe were able to apply for funding via MSCA4Ukraine to employ doctoral students or researchers fleeing from Ukraine. The sponsors of the initiative are the European Commission, via its Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA), and Scholars at Risk (SAR), an international network supporting researchers in risk zones.

Experts from more than 45 countries have participated in the assessment of the 403 applications received in total. The majority of the applications relate to female researchers at postdoc level.

The 124 researchers awarded support via the initiative will be working in 21 different countries, including six researchers in Sweden. The projects span all scientific fields; most are in life sciences, humanities and social sciences, and chemistry.

In Sweden, Chalmers University of Technology, the University of Gothenburg, Lund University, the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences and Uppsala University act as host organisations.

The following projects will start at Swedish HEIs:

  • Carbon-induced corrosion in dual atmosphere relevant for SOFC/SOEC
  • Dialogues, disputes and battles: propaganda during the Great Northern War 1700–1721
  • Deciphering the role of sodium butyrate on the enteric
  • Genomic composition of Ukrainian apple germplasm
  • Plants do not respect political borders: development of a unified classification system for conservation management
  • Nanometre-scale emittance electron beams for laboratory X-ray Free-Electron Laser

Read more about the result of the call on the European Commission’s website External link.



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The Swedish Research Council has a national contact person for Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA).

If you have any questions about the programme, please contact Isabel Della Casa Lindberg:


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