



Changes to this autumn’s needs inventory for research infrastructure

On 4 October, the Swedish Research Council’s next needs inventory for research infrastructure of national interest opens. This year, two changes have been made.

Every two years, the Swedish Research Council conducts an inventory to capture new needs for research infrastructure of national interest. The proposals submitted shall cover needs for new national infrastructure, international infrastructure, or development of existing infrastructure.

We have made two changes to this autumn’s needs inventory:

  • The proposal shall include an estimated budget for the research infrastructure.
  • Research infrastructures that are receiving grants from the Swedish Research Council that end during 2025 or 2026 and that plan to apply under the upcoming call for grants to research infrastructure of national interest also need to submit a proposal.

The changes are introduced to give the Swedish Research Council a more complete picture of the needs ahead of the upcoming call.

The needs inventory will be open from 4 October to 7 November 2023. An information meeting about the inventory will be held on 12 September.

Needs inventory of research infrastructure of national interest

Read more about the process – from the inventory of needs for new research infrastructure to the call of proposal



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