



Important to strengthen research quality and international competitiveness

The Swedish Research Council’s input to the Government’s research and innovation bill presents our views on what needs to be done to strengthen the Swedish research system and create good preconditions for excellent research that is of benefit to society.

If Sweden is to continue being a strong research nation and be able to address the societal challenges we are facing, we need both major investments and better preconditions for research and researchers.

“Research is a complex process, and it usually takes a long time before the results are clear, irrespective of whether it relates to scientific breakthroughs or to the results being converted into societal benefit. Therefore, it is important that research policy and research funding take a long-term view. Then researchers will dare to take greater risks and take on projects that are more uncertain, but where the potential outcome can be ground-breaking,” says Katarina Bjelke, Director General of the Swedish Research Council.

Quality must permeate the entire research system. It is research of the highest quality that has the potential to drive scientific development forwards and give us the knowledge foundation that we need. By investing in strong and attractive research environments, we can recruit and retain the best researchers.

The Swedish Research Council recommends initiatives in the following areas:

  • Excellence and undirected researcher-initiated research, supplemented by targeted initatives in life science, climate and environment, a resilient society and digitisation.
  • Internationalisation and influence in the EU’s institutions
  • Research infrastructure

Read the input to the Goverment’s upcoming research and innovation bill (in Swedish)

The Swedish Research Council, the Swedish Energy Agency, Formas, Forte, the Swedish National Space Agency and Vinnova have also submitted a joint document with recommendations: Forskning och innovation för ett hållbart och säkert samhälle




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