Research programme in civil society

The Swedish Research Council is responsible for a research programme in civil society. The purpose is to increase knowledge about the development, organisation and interaction of civil society with society as a whole.

The research programme, which the Swedish Research Council is running under a Government mandate, covers several disciplines and both basic and applied research. We have issued calls for project grants in this field on several occasions since 2011.

The research relates to different aspects of civil society, such as its historical development, importance for societal development, organisation and control, and also the motivations for individuals and groups to organise themselves.

Urgent questions concern how civil society, the state and the market relate to and influence each other. Studies may focus on associations, interest organisations and popular movements, and also on transnational organisations and newer forms of social networks. The research can also relate to activities aimed at influencing government policy or the market, and activities aimed at offering alternatives to, supplementing or replacing state involvement or commercial markets.

Projects funded

The projects funded in the calls are listed below, with a link to further information about each project in the Swecris database.



Pdf / Utskrift


Elisabeth Olivius, Umeå universitet

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