Your search Grant for accessibility to infrastructure resulted in 172 hits

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  1. Call

    The purpose of the project grant is to support research on artistic grounds. The grant gives you, the researcher, the freedom to formulate the research idea, method and implementation yourself, and to solve a specific research task within a limited p...

    Date: 31 January 2024 – 5 March 2024

  2. News

    | Published 29 September 2020

    It is now clear which new areas and existing research infrastructures are covered by the call for grants to research infrastructure of national interest. The call is open during the period 2 December 2020–16 February 2021.

  3. News

    | Published 21 December 2020

    Four research networks have been awarded grants to find new solutions and share methods that can slow down the development of antibiotic resistance. The support is a targeted initiative within the National research programme on antibiotic resistance.

  4. Call

    The aim of this grant is to support new or existing Indo-Swedish collaborative groups that in the longer perspective may develop into long-term collaborations. The collaborations shall be based on the principle of mutual benefit, equality and commonl...

    Date: 16 October 2018 – 6 December 2018

  5. News

    | Published 17 March 2020

    Due to Covid-19, the application time will be extended for calls within Horizon 2020.

  6. Call

    The Röntgen-Ångström Cluster (RÅC) is a Swedish-German research collaboration within structural biology and material sciences. The aim of the grant is to strengthen research in materials science and structural biology that uses neutron and/or synchro...

    Date: 12 June 2019 – 27 August 2019

  7. News

    | Published 2 May 2024

    In August, the Swedish Research Council will be opening a call for grants to research environments in 6G. The call is part of the Government’s initiative to develop the next generation of wireless systems. The grant shall be used to build up strong r...

  8. Call

    Röntgen-Ångström Cluster (RÅC) is a German-Swedish research collaboration in structural biology and materials science. The purpose is to strengthen research in materials science and structural biology that uses neutron and synchrotron radiation (also...

    Date: 3 March 2021 – 4 May 2021

  9. News

    | Published 3 March 2021

    On 23 March, we are opening a call for research environment grant for follow-up studies of COVID-19 vaccines. You can already read our advance information and start preparing the application.

  10. Call

    The purpose of the research environment grant within humanities and social sciences is to create added value through collaboration in larger groupings than in a normal project, and to adopt a longterm perspective. The applicant shall represent a cons...

    Date: 9 February 2022 – 15 March 2022
