Midterm evaluation report of the 2008 Linnaeus centres

With the Linnaeus grants the Swedish Research Council and the Swedish Research Council Formas, provide support for 40 research centres in different research areas.The aim of the Linnaeus grants is to enhance support for research of the highest quality that can compete internationally. The amount of the Linnaeus grants is 5–10 MSEK annually for a maximum of ten years.

This report presents the result of the mid-term evaluation for those Linnaeus centres funded in 2008. The main focus is scientific quality, potential for scientific renewal and synergic effects of the support, the added value of the grant, the commitment of the university, and gender equality in the centre concerned.


  1. The Swedish Research Council’s recommendations for the EU’s framework programme FP10
  2. A gender-equal process: A qualitative investigation of the assessment of research grant applications 2023
  3. Is the assessment of applications gender-equal?

    The Swedish Research Council has conducted gender equality observations at the meetings where research grant applications are assessed. We use the observations to follow up our own work and safeguard a gender-equal review process.