



New guidelines for publishing with open access

As from October, new guidelines for publishing with open access apply for all who are receiving a grant from the Swedish Research Council. New features include a requirement for you to publish with immediate open access, and that all forms of publication are covered by the requirement.

The Swedish Research Council is working towards making open access to publications a natural part of the research process. Since 2010, we have required researchers awarded grants from us to publish with open access.

To find out what the preconditions are for researchers to publish with open access, the Swedish Research Council has carried out a mapping and an analysis during 2022. The result of the mapping has formed the basis for the work of producing new guidelines. The new guidelines apply for researchers receiving grants as from October 2022.

The most important change to the guidelines is that all who are awarded grants by us must publish the results of their research projects with immediate open access. This means that an article or book must be freely accessible (open access) in digital format without any delay. Another new feature is that all publications are included, such as articles, chapters and scientific books.

The Swedish Research Council’s guidelines for publication with open access

Read the report “Forskares förutsättningar att publicera med öppen tillgång – med fokus på Sverige” (summary in English)




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