



The Swedish Research Barometer 2023 shows the state of Swedish research

How does Sweden compare as a research nation in international comparison? Which higher education institutions invest the most in research and development (R&D)? How much of the expenditure on R&D goes to basic research and to applied research? We have now published the Swedish Research Barometer 2023, which provides an overall picture of the state of Swedish research.

The Swedish Research Barometer 2023 gathers together statistics from different sources and presents unique information on scientific publications and citation impact.

The state of Swedish research is measured and presented based on three aspects:

  • Funding: How much money is spent on research and development?
  • Personnel: What is the composition of the research personnel?
  • Scientific publication: How big an impact does the research have?

A new feature in this year’s report is that we show expenditure on R&D for different types of research, divided up into basic research, applied research, and experimental development. It is also possible to see expenditure on R&D per higher education institution and per scientific field.

“Statistics on R&D expenditure divided up in this way have never before been produced in Sweden. These new statistics means that we now have a better overall picture of the Swedish R&D system, and a better picture of the higher education institutions’ research profiles,” says Gustav Hansson, Analyst at the Swedish Research Council.

Read the report The Swedish Research Barometer 2023. Swedish research in international comparison (in Swedish with summary in English).

An English version of the report will be published in the beginning of next year.



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